(North) Samseonghyeol 三姓穴 삼성혈
Samseonghyeol is a place where you can see the trace of Jeju’s birth clearly. Three gods (Goeulna, Yangeulna and Bueulna), the progenitors of Tamna Kingdom, soared from this hole. At present, there is an alter on green grass. Between the alter and tourist path is a giant Rhododendron Weyrichii, whose flower is a symbolic flower of Jeju Island. In the early May, pink flowers bloom to the fullest, brightening the ambience. Three gods, the progenitors of Tamna Kingdom used to hunt, and they married three princesses of Byeokrang Kingdom which brought five grains’ seeds and livestocks to the sea village in Onpyeong-ri, starting a new chapter of agriculture and farming in Jeju Island. Three holes, which is forming the apex of a triangle do not usually get filled with snow or rain. The old trees around it hang their branches lower as of they are worshipping them. The exhibition hall which opened in December 2001 shows an animation of Sameonghyeol, and displays miniature historic sites and other.
三姓穴还保留着济州岛诞生的痕迹。据说这里是耽罗国的始祖三神人-高乙那,良乙那,夫乙那出现的地方。 这里遍地是翠绿的草坪,前面放置有祭坛。在祭坛与游览路之间,矗立着一株济州岛的象征花 -巨大的杜鹃花树。每到5月初,粉红色的杜鹃花绽放美丽,让游客沉醉其中。耽罗的始祖三神人原来过着狩猎生活,后来迎娶了把五谷种子和家畜带到温平里海边的碧浪国的三位公主,从此济州岛步入了农耕时代和畜牧时代。在品字形的三个地穴中,从来不会积雪或积水,周围古老的古树也好像敬礼一样深深地弯下了枝头。在2001年12月开放的展馆中,把三姓穴神话制作成动画放映,还展出了与姓神话相关的实料和有关三姓穴的遗迹模型。
open (June to Aug) 8am to 7pm ; (Sept to May) 8am to 6pm
营业时间 - (6月 至 8月) 上午8点 到 下午7点 ; (9月 至 5月)上午8点 到 下午6点
Admission fee,门票费 Price, 费用
Adult, 成人 2,500
Student**, 学生 1,700
children***/ elderly*, 小孩/老人 1,000
三姓穴还保留着济州岛诞生的痕迹。据说这里是耽罗国的始祖三神人-高乙那,良乙那,夫乙那出现的地方。 这里遍地是翠绿的草坪,前面放置有祭坛。在祭坛与游览路之间,矗立着一株济州岛的象征花 -巨大的杜鹃花树。每到5月初,粉红色的杜鹃花绽放美丽,让游客沉醉其中。耽罗的始祖三神人原来过着狩猎生活,后来迎娶了把五谷种子和家畜带到温平里海边的碧浪国的三位公主,从此济州岛步入了农耕时代和畜牧时代。在品字形的三个地穴中,从来不会积雪或积水,周围古老的古树也好像敬礼一样深深地弯下了枝头。在2001年12月开放的展馆中,把三姓穴神话制作成动画放映,还展出了与姓神话相关的实料和有关三姓穴的遗迹模型。
open (June to Aug) 8am to 7pm ; (Sept to May) 8am to 6pm
营业时间 - (6月 至 8月) 上午8点 到 下午7点 ; (9月 至 5月)上午8点 到 下午6点
Admission fee,门票费 Price, 费用
Adult, 成人 2,500
Student**, 学生 1,700
children***/ elderly*, 小孩/老人 1,000
😍Picture of Jeju Island😍
📷Picture with taxi tour customer📷
📷Picture with taxi tour customer📷
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